Optimization Of Biodegradable Radiopaque Tape Demarcating The Landmark For Placing The Implant


  • Hariniramesh, Subhashree Rohinikumar*, Abhinav Rajendra Prabhu, Sahana Selvaganesh,Thiyaneswaran Nesappan,& Rajalakshmanan Eswaramoorthy


Surgical stents, Biodegradable, Radiopaque, Implant, barium sulfate


For a successful implant treatment, it is important to place the implant at an accurate predetermined position. The mesio-distal position of the implant should be such that it helps in papilla preservation and provides an esthetic restoration. When more than one implant has to be placed, they should be placed parallel to each other or it might lead to non-axial loading that might result in failure of implants. To achieve these objectives, the use of radiographic and surgical stents has been advocated. According to the literature, implants that have been positioned using stents are more accurately placed. A surgical guide allows the placement of the implant along planned prosthetic axes during surgery. A radiographic stent allows visualizing the planned implant axis, position of the definitive prosthesis, emergence site, available space for the attachment components, and thickness of the mucosa overlying the bone. The radiographic stent can be transformed into a surgical stent after the treatment planning has been completed. During surgery, this removable surgical stent offers ease in implant placement without compromising access to the implant sites. In the current study barium sulfate radiopaque maker is placed over a radiographic stent which is converted into a surgical stent which helps in position pilot drill.This study compares a novel biodegradable radiopaque tape with conventional zirconia markers in 3Shape Implant Studio to determine their efficacy in implant placement.





